Online Transport Aplication Company Get Demands

Applications online booking lift vehicle owned by Uber , local transport company in San Francisco , United States , was causing problems for the company . Some time ago , a couple from the area , Ang and Huan Jiang Liu Kuang , cast lawsuits against Uber because the application is called the slay their children , Sofia Liu .

uber - cab
The couple was not without apparent reason in the cast demands . Sofia Liu , their children , along with his brother , Anthony Liu , faint reportedly victims of traffic accidents involving drivers who use the Uber app . Time of the incident , the driver reportedly uses the company's proprietary application to monitor if there are any incoming calls . Negligence while driving while using the app finally makes the couple's child died and injuring the mother and the other children .

Related to this case , the Uber seems to still not give their official response . Even so , the prosecution believes that the Uber guilty in the incident because of the applications used in the cars they potentially large networks disturb the concentration of the driver and make the accident possible. However , on the other hand , can be said to be the Uber itself is not directly involved in an accident because the driver and the car driven equally not directly related to Uber . Only Uber 's application was the one that made ​​the company also dragged into this case .

Liu family 's accident occurred at the turn of the new year last night . At that time , a car driven by Syed Muzzaraf bumping some of the family members. Muzzaraf itself is called has terminated its membership as service users Uber since the incident .
Tag : gadget
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