Smartphone camera manufacturers are looking at opportunities in new business areas while smartphne sales growth is slowing. One of them is a major manufacturer of cameras in smartphones Samsung, Mcnex. They saw, the automotive industry became interested in applying cameras in the car.
The camera is mounted in the car can be used as an alternative substitute for the presence of the rearview mirror. Furthermore, the function can also be used to record events that occur in locations around the car to just do a selfie photo.
Mcnex menngungkapkan, as quoted by Reuters, it had to bring technology this camera in some luxury cars. There are about 8-12 units mounted camera. Currently, its use is prioritized to help the driver park the car or trigger the emergency brake when the camera detects the existence of things that are not desirable. Moreover, the United States has given a positive wind for camera manufacturers. Starting 2018, all cars in the United States are required to be fitted in the rear of the camera in order to protect pedestrians. In addition, automatic car "self-driving", as it is being worked on Google, Nissan, Audi also must be fitted or the camera to the computer system can auto detect the surrounding environment.
The camera is mounted in the car can be used as an alternative substitute for the presence of the rearview mirror. Furthermore, the function can also be used to record events that occur in locations around the car to just do a selfie photo.
Mcnex menngungkapkan, as quoted by Reuters, it had to bring technology this camera in some luxury cars. There are about 8-12 units mounted camera. Currently, its use is prioritized to help the driver park the car or trigger the emergency brake when the camera detects the existence of things that are not desirable. Moreover, the United States has given a positive wind for camera manufacturers. Starting 2018, all cars in the United States are required to be fitted in the rear of the camera in order to protect pedestrians. In addition, automatic car "self-driving", as it is being worked on Google, Nissan, Audi also must be fitted or the camera to the computer system can auto detect the surrounding environment.
Mcnex sure, the automotive industry will generate far greater profits than the business today. The price of a camera for the car alone, he said, could reach $ 32. Compare the price of the supply of a camera for a smartphone, only sold about $ 4 only. In 2020 predicted, there will be about 83 million cars sold a special camera.
Mcnex not himself see that opportunity. A number of specialized manufacturers of camera phones, such as LG Innotek (main supplier iPhone camera), Sekonix (secondary supplier Samsung camera), up to Panasonic and Sony are also interested in getting into the market for a car camera.
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